What Happened to the Crypto Dream?
2016-12-18 10:15:32 UTC
For those of you not familiar with Arvind Narayanan, you should be. He's a young professor/crypto+privacy expert at Princeton, who among many other awesome things, blew people's minds by de-anonymizing the anonymized "Netflix prize data set".
Below is a link to Arvind's blog post on his two article series titled "What Happened to the Crypto Dream?" It's highly relevant to what we're doing here on Identity Team at Mozilla, and I promise you, they are short-ish, accessible reads. Arvind is fantastic writer.
"Many crypto protocols treat service providers as adversaries, a model that’s nonsensical in the modern computing
environment. Consumers don’t seek technological privacy protection against governments and service providers but against their peers, nosy neighbors, stalkers, employers, insurance companies, advertisers, and the like."
Nothing like crypto talk in the all trusted Google, just saying you can call me OPJ/RED now